Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Chateau Sychrov

Chateau Sychrow, also known as the Sychrov Castle, is a Neo-Gothic style castle from the second half of the 19th century.  The original Baroque castle was purchased in the early 1800 by a French aristocrat who was exiled from France during the French Revolution, and brought his family here to live.  The family rebuilt the original castle and added to it, and continued with various reconstruction projects over the subsequent 100+ years that the family owned the property.  Because of the influence of the family's French ancestry and style, the castle and property have somewhat of a Chateau feeling and thus,  the use of Chateau in one of the names for the property.

The photo album with this post contains photos from inside many rooms of the castle, as well as some outside views.  The castle contains the largest collection of French portrait paintings in Central Europe, as well as a very large collection of painting of the French family who owned and occupied the castle for so many years.

In addition to the tour of the property, our tour guide also had arranged a private concert for our group in the Castle's concert hall by a small ensemble of professional classical concert musicians from the Czech Republic.  Because the famous composer Dvorak had stayed at this castle during his life, they selected some Dvorak pieces to play for us.  It was really quite nice and very intimate.  After the concert we had dinner at a restaurant nearby.

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